Sappho was considered the best lyrical poet of ancient Greece. She is also well known as a symbol of love and desire between women. Her birthplace island Lesbos, which was used then as a descriptive noun of origin, gave rise to the term lesbian for female homosexuality. And this is what this selection of films celebrates.
Η Σαπφώ θεωρούταν η καλύτερη λυρική ποιήτρια της αρχαιότητας και η ονομασία προέλευσής της έγινε συνώνυμο του έρωτα μεταξύ γυναικών.

1. So Quiet: The Performativity of a Pussy (2018) Dir. Maria Cyber GRE 08:40 (No dialogue)
Starring: Greek extrovert pussy
The performativity of a cock is very obvious, but what happens with the pussy?
Η επιτελεστικότητα του πούτσου είναι ολοφάνερη, αλλά τι συμβαίνει με το μουνί;

2. Tribute (2018) Dir. Max Disgrace UK 07:27 (English text)
Starring: Lina Bembe, Max Disgrace
“Tribute” re-imagines the idea of a lesbian cruising ground in London, in direct response to Annette Kennerley’s “Sex Lies Religion” (1993). At a time when physical spaces for dykes to freely express their sexuality in London is scarce, “Tribute” is a materialisation of this fantasy space in film form, enacted in the same historic cruising ground – Abney Park Cemetery in Stoke Newington – where Kennerley shot her film decades before.
Δίνοντας ξανά εικόνα στην ιδέα ενός λεσβιακού cruising τόπου στο Λονδίνο

3. The Kettle (2018) Dir. Dwam Ipomée GER 04:28 (English with eng subs)
Starring: Kali Sudhra, Carmina
Morning tea is the best, but how do we spend time while the water is boiling? Kali and Carmina know best.
Το πρωινό τσάι είναι τέλειο, αλλά τι θα κάνουμε μέχρι να βράσει το νερό;

4. Fagdyke Cruising (2019) Dir. Toni Karat GER (Very little dialogue)
Starring: Mere, Neuter K.
Hermannplatz subway station, Berlin Neukölln. A FagDyke is looking out for a hook-up. Cruising.
Soon they are spotting a cool leather dyke and follow her right away.
When their eyes meet it’s clear what has to happen now – but when they find each other in an abandoned and filthy attic everything happens quite differently than expected … but super-hot for sure!
This film explores the boundaries between pure lust, intimacy and trust in an anonymous sexual encounter with BDSM dynamics.
Μια τζιβιτζιλού ψάχνει για φάση στους δρόμους του Βερολίνου.

5. Enough (2019) Dir. Kate Sinclaire CAN 04:55 (English with English subs)
Starring: Nichole Shae, Nat Portnoy
Are we queer enough? A long problem of femme-presenting folks that are misread as cis women is not feeling a true sense of belonging in queer scenes, being doubted and dismissed. Nichole Shae and Nat Portnoy take us with them as they explore their own sexualities, joy, pleasure, and playfulness, in a short film that emphasizes that we are all queer enough.
Είμαστε αρκετά queer;

6. Guacamole (2019) Dir. Carmina FRA 15:30 (Spanish with eng subs)
Starring: Lina Bembe and Carmina
Guacamole is a short and fun porn scene, starring Lina Bembe and Carmina. Lina and Carmina meet in Berlin to prepare guacamole for dinner. As they chop, they begin to recount memories from their home country of Mexico. Sharing their stories brings them closer as the chilli pepper starts to make them very, very hot…
Μνήμες από το Μεξικό φέρνουν δύο κορίτσια πιο κοντά καθώς το τσίλι τις κάνει να καίνε…

7. Crystal Clear (2017) Dir. Max Disgrace UK 03:42 (English with eng subs)
Starring: Duke, Rude Juud
An erotic narration of a date unfolds packed with fantasy, expectations and unnecessary emotional baggage, whilst we watch from a face-sitting, boob smothering point-of-view.
Μια ερωτική αφήγηση ενός ραντεβού ξεδιπλώνεται γεμάτο φαντασία.

8. Doll Parts (2019) Dir. Four Chambers UK 12:18 (No Dialogue)
Starring: Estella Bathory, Bunny BBW
Porn aesthetics and archetypes are fascinating, sex on film has always been innovative, at the forefront of pushing technology and creativity. Being pushed to the margins means you’re forced to make new rules and create your own visions, processes and traditions. Porn world developed its own visual language, signs and semiotics. The Archetype series is exploring classic porn stereotypes, archetypes, aesthetics and cliches and how we can explore, subvert or expand them.
With this film in the series we play with the 70s porn, the golden age of skin flicks, Russ Meyer bimbo aesthetic that descends into a psychedelic femdom acid fever dream.
Η bimbo αισθητική των φιλμ των 70ς γίνεται ψυχεδελικό όνειρο θηλυκότητας.

9. L’Annonce (2018) Dir. Carré Rose Films & Vespéral FRA 16:20 (French with eng subs)
Starring: Anna Furiosa, Olly Plum, Misungui, Carmina, Dwam, Rose
6 women find a mysterious ad giving them instructions for a special meeting turning into a red-hot orgy.
Έξι γυναίκες βρίσκουν μια αγγελία που τους οδηγεί σε μια συνάντηση που γίνεται καυτό όργιο.

10. Luminus Lust (2018) Dir. Erotic Film School USA 10:38 (English with eng subs)
Starring: Dylan Ryan, T. Pfister
Real-life couple – Dylan Ryan and T. Pfister – boldly bring the audience into the most intimate parts of their lives, sharing with the camera how the couple fell in love, what about their partner turns them on, and how they first met. This intimate sexual portrait of this passionate couple gets steamy when they open the door and let the viewer into their lustful and luminous sex life.
Ένα αληθινό ζευγάρι δείχνει στο κοινό με θάρρος τα πιο οικεία μέρη της ζωής τους.