Hellenic Shorts

The civilization and people of what is known in English as Greece have never referred to themselves as “Greek.” In fact, they refer to themselves as Hellenes and the region Hellas, as they have since their literary history was first established. Even more, ancient Greeks identified more with their city-states which were frequently at war with each other, remembering their common culture only when going to invade other places or cumming together to defend foreign invaders. So let’s cum together!

Έλληνες καυλωμένοι, ποτέ νικημένοι!

Entry/Είσοδος: 5€ in aid of/συνεισφορά για τo Check Point https://www.facebook.com/myCheckpointGR


  1. INFINITE LUBE (2022) Dir. Cornpop Bright, Squareheart GRE 03:30 (no dialogue)
  2. Fuck it, I’m fucking my catcaller (2021) Dir. Markella Ksilogiannopoulou GRE 02:34 (English with eng subs)
  3. Do Us Art (2021) Dir. Yorgos Barbadenis GRE 08:04 (Greek with eng subs)
  4. Ten Euro Sea (2020) Dir. Eva Koliopantou & Yevgeni Kolenko GRE 24:19 (Greek with eng subs)
  5.  Sexual Distancing (2021) Dir. Dimitris Asproloupos GRE 16:34 (Greel with eng subs)
  6. Becoming Ithaca (2021) Dir. Dimitris Pagonis, Menelas GRE 05:56 (Greek with eng/arabic subs)
  7. Jerks (2022) Dir. Vasilis Vilaras GRE 12:37 (Greek with eng subs)

Διάρκεια/Duration: 70 minutes

HGW std: Μαυρομιχάλη 138 και Κομνηνών γωνία, Αθήνα // Mavromichali 138, Athens, Greece

More info/Περισσότερες πληροφορίες: https://athenspff.com/2022-2/festival-22/screening-programme/hellenic/