This selection of films is the magical world where trans meets queerness!// Οι ταινίες αυτού του προγράμματος βρίσκονται στον μαγικό κόσμο που το trans συναντά το queerness.
+Α Kinbaku Underground performance with Bad Encountress & Melissanthe
Entry: 5€ in aid of/συνεισφορά για το ΣΥΔ https://www.facebook.com/GreekTransgenderSupportAssociation
- ORLANDOS (2021) Dir. Julz Ritschel GER 12:42 (No Dialogue)
- Endzeit Berlin (2021) Dir. Toni Karat GER 09:56 (German with eng subs)
- Promenade (2021) Dir. Gordon B. Rec FRA 09:13 (English)
- Nullo (2021) Dir. Jan Soldat GER 15:31 (German with eng subs)
- Merci Madame Manon (2021) Dir. Manon Praline BERLIN 21:03 (English with eng subs)
- Genderfluid (2021) Dir. Elisa Monteil, Laure Giappiconi, La Fille Renne FRANCE 06:43 (French with eng subs)
- XOXOX (2019) Dir. Chelsea Poe GER 18:31 (No dialogue)
- Losing Control (2021) Dir. Lars* Kollros GER 08:33 (No dialogue)
Διάρκεια/Duration: 95 minutes
HGW std: Μαυρομιχάλη 138 και Κομνηνών γωνία, Αθήνα // Mavromichali 138, Athens, Greece
For more info on films: https://athenspff.com/2022-2/festival-22/screening-programme/teiresias-and-pegasus-shorts/