Greek Shorts Online 2020

Thank you very much! from Satyrs and Maenads on Vimeo.

A special programme of the Greek entries for the 2020 festival was streaming for 48hours between the 22nd and the 24th of May 2020 by PinkLabelTV, hosted by Melita Scabeau.

Five short films from Greece And Cyprus, which will NOT be screened together in the festival, brought you:  very useful online tutorials, beautiful landscapes and BDSM, a sapphic journey to the clitoris, magical orgies in caves and finally a comical 70/80s porn homage. We are brought you all the flavours of Greek art-porn!

As the Greek government is NOT giving any funds to artists and sexworkers in these hard times, we have decided to donate 10% of the proceeds to each movie and the rest to the Red Umbrella Athens fund that supports Greek sexworkers.  #supportartworkers #supportsexworkers

Approximate running time: 62 min

Greek Shorts Programme 2020 from Satyrs and Maenads on Vimeo.

  1. The Melita Show The Movie- by Menelas 2019 (11,32’) GR

Drag Queen Melita gives us the most helpful online tutorial. You can thank her after!

2. A bondage landscape-by DjPan Koumpare 2020 (17.27’) CY

This is the first BDSM film from Cyprus and we are very happy to present it here. (World Online Premiere)

3. So Quiet: The Performativity of a Pussy-by Maria Cyber (8:40 m) 2018 GR

Director Maria Cyber reacts to the plethora of available cock imagery by showing us the pussy’s own performativity.

4. The Cave-by Anosia 2018 (12: 56) GR

We can finally reveal what really happens in Greek mystical caves!

5. Hunger-by Lia Smaragda & Kangela Tromokratisch 2020 (06:48) GR

Drag Queen Kangela teaches her daughter how to feed during a famine. (World Online Premiere)

As a parting gift all who purchased the programme received a discount voucher from PINKLABEL.TV and a special voucher for Athenian Residents from the sex shop (Solonos 46)